Thursday, November 8, 2012

My Breastfeeding Journey

I dont remember when i've decided to breastfeed my baby. I could be the moment i knew i was pregnant or somewhere through the pregnancy when i read more on breastfeeding and its benefit? Or because the vanity in me knowing with breastfeeding i can get back in shape pretty fast (a plus point yes?) All i remember was i wanted to breastfeed that lil life that was growing in me then. But how? i didnt have any knowledge on breastfeeding at all! on how? when? what? I know its tough but i dont know how tough. 

I was then referred to TBAN, but i didnt linger around enough to learn more before delivery, as i was told that the lactation consultant would teach after delivery. 
My lil S was born mid Aug! Shortly after that she was brought to me to breastfeed as the hospital i go to supports breastfeeding. I was clueless on how to hold her let alone to BF her. But the moment i looked at her immediately fell in love! She suck straight away as she was really hungry! My LB was all sore on the first day with all the tryings. The first night was really nightmarish as a new mother i was clueless as what was happening. Keep buzzing for the nurse to come in to check whats the problem but they kept telling me baby need to suck right after she just sucked?
The lactation checked on us again the next day. It always seem so easy when she does it!

The actual nightmare started when we were at home! The whole house was really stressful on my stubborness to BF! Baby was crying non-stop due to need to suck and hunger! The CL was not helpful at all. I ended up taking care of S since birth (which turn out to be a blessing!) on the 2nd day after she got home she was feverish and had to be admitted then jaundice! I got panicked when the doc told us S was dehydrated! Her birth weight of 3.2kg was down to 2.8kg! she had to be topped up with FM the night she was admitted as the doc said the most important is to hydrate her and my milk has not kicked in yet (so i thought). Got hubby to rush out to buy a can of goats milk powder for emergency case in the future. 

I was very desperate to get help too as i know the stress level was due to me not mastering the BF yet! and it was public holiday all the lactation consultant were not working. Finally Ai Leng from Jenlia came to visit on the day S was discharged. And bhoy was she surprised at how much milk i have!! Since then i have DL S for the 2 mths i was staying at home with her.On her 2nd week visit, her weight dropped furher to 2.6kg! Her paed was concerned and asked to work harder!!! with his encouragement i cont to let her stuck on me almost the whole day! By one month S gain to 3.4kg and 4.6kg by 2nd mth!

All my constant worry and doubts and queries were answered with calls and postings in TBAN or among a group of wonderful ladies i met in my pregnancy yoga classes. I was determined to BF and am addicted to it as it was the only time i can have the real bonding with my daughter. 

My constant worry was to maintain my supply and i can be quite paranoid on this! It was really difficult as S was cluster feeding on top of growth spurt. I practically cant do anything besides sitting in front of the idiot box and nurse! 

As she's growing weeks by weeks and months by months the journey gets easier and to my surprise i remember mostly the happy moments but not those tough times and waking up wee hours in the morning to pump. and cant stop worrying bout my supply.

I would encourage every mothers to BF their babies coz beside the goodness of milk and getting back in shape sooner, the most important part of it is the bonding created with your own child! That is something that cant be bought by money! Yes it is a very tough journey but a bittersweet one! when u see your lil one growing strong and healthy and with a flash of smile, all the hardwork is paid off!!

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